Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Genetically Modified Crops

1. What is a GM Crop.
A GM crop is a genetically modified crop.

2. List 2 arguments FOR the growing of GM crops
A. The production of GM crops has risen 25 times over in four years. From 4.3 million to 100 million.

B. The income from the sales of GM crops has grown from $75 million to $2.3 billion.

3. List 2 arguments AGAINST the growing of GM crops.
A. GM crops can pose serious health risks to certain consumers.

B. GM technology can hurt small farm animals.

Engineer a Crop

4. Practice this simulation until you get the largest ears of corn. How many times did it take you?
It took me a single try to engineer the best crop.

What’s for Dinner?

5. List two foods and desribe how they are being modified.
Pizza is being modified by using rennet that has been modified to increase cheese production, wheat that has been modified to produce easily digestable and greater yielding crops, and peppers and tomatoes that have been modified to stay fresher, longer.

Bananas are being modified to work as edible vaccinations.


Do you think food should be labeled if it has been genetically modified? Why or Why not?
I do not think that GM cfoods need to be labeled as there is a nation wide awarness of GM foods and crops, meaning that people know about what is being modified and they are wary about it.

Finished? Go to www.yahooligans.com and type "genetic engineering" in the search field. Browse some of the sites that pop up.

(Yahooligans is better than yahoo, the sites tend to be picked for education rather than for scientists and universities, you'll find more understandable and interesting sites on yahooligans than you will with Yahoo)

Write down any of the sites you visited below.



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